Eric Blot | violinmaker


In our special ambience we offer professional advice, repairs, restoration, sound adjustment and expertise. In order to preserve the instruments’ original materials and to assure their faithful reconstruction – besides using traditional methods – we are constantly on the lookout for new restoration techniques.


Expertise Great enthusiast of Italian violin making of the 18th, 19th and the beginning of 20th centuries; Eric Blot has already published some books on this subjects and gave many conferences all around the world. He always looks for interesting instruments of this period, and tries to discover new information in Italian archives. He seeks as well instruments as biographical information which could help the comprehension and the instruments’ identification.  Please don’t hesitate to contact him or his assistant Antonella for information, or to talk about your instrument (maybe it is a very interesting sample and we can publish it). Also documents are welcome to complete his research. Eric Blot releases certificates of authenticity for Italian instruments of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. (Not for instruments from other countries).

Eric Blot

Eric Blot was born in Paris. He is a violinmaker and he makes researches and studies on Italian violin making. He wrote and published some books and he curated few exhibitions. He is an international expert for fine Italian instruments (violin, viola and cello) of the XVIII, XIX and XX century. His mind is in constantly evolution.

Barthélemy Garnier

RESTORER | was born in Morocco in 1980; he completed his studies in sciences in Normandy and later started studies in jurisprudence. After two years, his interest towards the violin making world became a concrete reality. He followed his passion and started apprenticing. He moved to Cremona where he attended the International School of Violin Making, graduating in 2005 under the guidance of teacher Giorgio Scolari. After finishing the school, he worked as apprentice with Mr. Scolari. He then concentrated his work on the construction of new and baroque instruments following the traditional Cremonese methods. Since April 2009, he has been working in Eric Blot’s workshop, specializing in instrument restoration activities.